We Have Moved!

I am short of the right words of appreciation at the moment.
I want to sincerely appreciate my amazing, awesome, lovely, wonderful and great readers and followers of botapreneur’s blog since it’s inception in November, 2016.

Thanks for the comments, supports, advice and even for dutifully following. I’m so glad you’ve been blessed through this platform.

However, God has used a big sister of mine whom I call my mother, model and mentor(Sis Lizzy Oyekunle Oyebola) to move my blog to a permanent site.

Therefore, my new blog address is now http://www.botapreneur.com

Sis Lizzy Oyekunle, thanks so much for your labour of love. I appreciate this gift from the bottom of my heart.
God will continue to bless and increase you on every side.
I love you mama

To my fellow readers, lovers and followers of botapreneur, thank you very much. I love you all.
However, you’ll have to subscribe again on the new site so as to get updates directly into your email box.
Kindly fill the subscription form to stay updated.

See you in the new site!



Natural remedy for losing belly fat

Belly fat is an excessive fat in the abdomen and around the stomach. It looks odd when one wears tight clothes and causes embarrassment.
The most annoying thing is that it is very difficult to lose flab from the Continue reading “Natural remedy for losing belly fat”



Depression is a fast and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act which is widely major death cases nowadays.

Everyone gets depressed Continue reading “VOLUNTEERING: A NEXUS TO CURBING THE INFLUX OF DEPRESSION”

Botapreneur is saying “sorry”

It’s quite almost a month since the last post was updated.It’s not intentional..
The work load has been overwhelming.

And when I checked the blog, I got amazed at how frequent you all visit the blog despite the break.Thanks so much for your constant support and advice.
Continuation of “The Shades” will kick off soon.

Don’t stop visiting us.

You are so much appreciated and loved💓❤💓💕
Signed: Botapreneur